Mitigate CSRF with Double Submit Cookies
I previously explained what is CSRF and how we can mitigate a CSRF attack using Synchronizer token pattern technique.
In this blog post I'm going to talk about another CSRF mitigation technique called "Double Submit Cookies Pattern" 😉
What is Double Submit Cookies Pattern?
This is a technique, that sends a random seed or a "token" as we call it, in both a cookie and as a request parameter, with the server verifying if the cookie value and the request value match.
Now its obvious that a third party entity cannot perform a CSRF attack without the CSRF token, and in here attacker or the third party entity cannot get the token because its in a cookie, and third party web pages cannot retrieve cookies from another web page that has a different domain.
For example, assume that the genuine web page is, and the attacker's web page is, when a user logged in to the, and accidentally redirect to, cannot retrieve the cookies from So a CSRF token in a cookie is a safe method to exchange tokens between the client and the server.
Now let's see the flow of this method.
- User log in to the website, along with this, server will generate a CSRF token and set it as a cookie in the web browser, and also the session identifier.
- Client, the web browser will extract this CSRF cookie value and set the same value in a html form hidden field by modifying the DOM.
- So when the form is submitting to the server for processing, the CSRF cookie along with the hidden value from the html form with the same value as the CSRF cookie will go in the request.
- Server will validates this two values and process the request, if and only if these two are match with each other. Otherwise, its consider as a CSRF attack.
For better understanding, lets go through this steps with a sample code.
User login.
Along with user login, server will validates the user credentials and create a new CSRF token and set it as a cookie in the browser. And also it will set a session cookie with the session id.
As you can see in the above code segment, I named the CSRF cookie as "CSRF_Token" and the session cookie as "Session_Cookie".
So then the client side script will extract these cookie values and identify the CSRF cookie and set it as a hidden field value of a html form by modifying the DOM.
I used a javascript function to extract the CSRF token cookie, and then by using JQuery, I modified the DOM. (hidden field value changing thing 😇)
Now everything's set in the client side, and now send the request to the server.
Click "Submit" button and you are good to go.
Server will get the request with the HTML form along with the hidden token value as well as the cookies. Along with these cookies Session_Cookie and CSRF_Token cookie will come.
(Above is a simple function to get specific cookie value.)
So, now the server will validating the value in the hidden field with the cookie value.
And if those values match each other, we can say that this request is not a forgery, but a genuine one.
Apache Tomcat Server outputs 😊
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