Mitigate CSRF with Synchronizer Token

In the previous blog post about cross site request forgery AKA CSRF, I discussed about the basics about CSRF, what it does and some mitigation techniques.
Among those techniques, in this blog post I’m going to talk about the Synchronizer Token Pattern and its flow when exchanging CSRF token.

What is Synchronizer Token Pattern?

This is a technique where a unique secure string value, also known as a CSRF token, will embedded by the web application in all HTML forms and verified on the server side in each state changing requests. The token may be generated by any method that ensure uniqueness, unpredictability and security so that any attacker would not be able to place the correct token along with the request.

Why STP?

A third party attacker cannot perform a CSRF attack, because cross domain AJAX calls are not possible. This means, the victim is in, and cannot request the CSRF token  from the server via an ajax, because the domain doesn't match each other, and cross domain ajax calls are not possible as I mentioned before.  

Now lets go in to the flow of this synchronizer token pattern when it comes to a state changing request.
  • First user will login to some website, for an example
  • Upon login, the server will create the session identifier and set it as a cookie in the web browser.
  • At the same time, the server generate a CSRF token and map it to the session identifier. This means that the server generate a unique string/token to this particular session.
  • Whenever before a state changing operation, the webpage needs to submit the session cookie to the server and need to obtain the CSRF token allocated to that session, and this should be done only by executing an AJAX call (JQuery Ajax) via JavaScript.
  • So, after executing the AJAX call successfully, the webpage receives the CSRF token and need to modify its HTML form which is likely to be a POST request form, with this token value. It can be done by modifying the document object model (DOM) and adding a new hidden field with the value of the CSRF token value.
  • Now the request has been sent, and the server will validate the received CSRF token in the HTML form's hidden field with the CSRF token that the server stored within. And if and only if both the tokens are match, server will process the request. 

Let’s go through each of these steps with an example of a simple application.

First user logins to a website.

When user clicks on the login button, server will validates the user credentials and creates a cookie. Since I'm using Java as the programming language, a session cookie will create automatically in the browser, and its name is JSESSIONID and its value is the session identifier value. So i simply took this cookie value and map it to the CSRF token. 
(I created a variable called jsession at the top of the code)

So, the next step is to create a secure, unique and random seed/string or a token 😆. The function I created to achieve this is, 

Now, create a token and map it to the session identifier. I used Java Hashmap classes to map these values.

The HashMap class,

The mapping of the session id and the token,

Now the AJAX call.

Before comes in to AJAX call, Lets see how the server response to an AJAX call with the token mapped in the previously mentioned HashMap. 😄
I implemented a separate class to response AJAXs. Let's look at it.
So, in here server gets all the cookies and check whether if there is this "JSESSIONID" cookie which contains the session id. If its there, server will call the Map class which contains the HashMapped token and assign it to a JSON object which is compatible to AJAXs.
So this is the server's doing.😉

Let's see how the client or the webpage requests this token from an AJAX call, and add the token value to it's hidden field.

(The following image shows the javascript ajax call.)  

(The following images shows the HTML form.)

So, assume that everything is perfect and the AJAX call is done successfully, the HTML form's hidden field value is equal to the value of the received CSRF token via ajax. 😅

Now user perform the state changing operation which is a HTTP POST request according to above examples.

Along with this request, the CSRF token will be submitted to the server. Finally the server gets the session id and pass it through the hash map class that we created and get the corresponding CSRF token matching to this current session and validates the received token in the HTML form with it. If those two are equal, server will process the request.


So if all the validations are successful, the form will submit successfully. 😌

And, if you check the server logs, you can identify the session id's and CSRF token's behavior in each stage. 😊 

Anyways, for your own testing purposes, you can download this application from my GitHub account



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